
got great inner pleasure and satisfaction in giving expression to my femmeself. I dont know how it all started and except for intellectual and scientific curiousity, I don't care. I simply feel that it is a part of me and is something that I pursue volunt- arily and without guilt". It's damn hard, and one doesn't reach this state very soon or very easily. And it is precisely because it is so hard that these other ways out appeal so strongly.

But it is still my belief that environmental events acting on the individual are the ones that make him a TV just as they may make another human a democrat, a Mason, or a bricklayer. This is what is meant by "NURTURE". You, as an individual, may still be unable to put the pattern permanently a- side-- (who really wants to), but this does not mean that you are forced to continue by some forces be- yond your control. I don't go along with the psych- iatrists classification of TV as a compulsion either. It's only because they do not have any realization of the nature of the deep satisfaction involved-- due to lack of personal experience of it--that they call the continued cross dressing in the face of the obvious dangers, costs, and social pressures, a com- pulsion. What is beyond your control is the under- lying satisfaction of finding part of your total self that you had lost and which most other men (probably including the psychiatrist) never find. On a different level it's like a bunch of eunuchs who can't understand why a normal man puts so much store by and achieves so much satisfaction from intercourse. How could they understand the feel- ing of unity and joint intense emotional experience with another human being. They have no basis of


All right, lets say that you agree with me on the Nurture argument. But you also point out that apparently there are males who never develop the TV urge even though they may have been exposed to a lot of environmental forces which would seem to be the